Joint Potluck with Brew Haven

Each June, Steve Victor generously opens his home to both the Underground Brewers and Brew Haven to share a meal and more than a few outstanding beers and ciders. From classic English pub beers and barleywines, to fruited ciders, lagers, and more, there was no shortage of fermented beverages to enjoy.

Unlike our typical meetings, there was no blind judging. There were many conversations about recipes, techniques, and fermentation choices, and it was clear that everyone learned a lot to take back home for future brew days. In addition to chatting about brewing, we spent a good deal of time talking about our lives outside of being homebrewers. Part of what makes this hobby so enjoyable (for me, at least), is getting to know more about the amazing people who participate in it! From distance bike riding to kids and family, smoking meat to adventures in countries around the world, the conversations over beer rather than about it were the highlight of the event.

Unfortunately, with all the amazing conversation, food, and beverages, I don’t believe anyone took any pictures! If you attended and have some to share, please send them along so we can add them to the post.