Beardsley Cider Mill

Beardsley 278 Leavenworth Rd, Shelton, United States

Annual pressing of heirloom cider apples at Beardsley Cider Mill. Share and taste last year's cider while you buy juice. You MUST pre-order and bring your own containers. Full details in the club newsletter and in the Facebook group.

November Meeting – In-house Competition!

Reverie Brewing Company 57B Church Hill Rd, Newtown, CT, United States

Our annual in-house homebrew competition! Reverie Brewing in Newtown will host. Full details in the club newsletter.

Holiday Party

Counter Weight Brewing 7 Diana Court, Cheshire, CT, United States

Holiday Party, with gift swap and potluck dinner. A co-event with our friends in Brew Haven. Full details in the club newsletter.

January Meeting


UPDATE: The January meeting will be virtual. Due to the sudden rise in covid numbers, we've decided to postpone the in-person meeting at SpaceCat to February. The January meeting will be virtual. Join the mailing list or the Facebook group to get the Zoom link.

February Meeting

Spacecat Brewing 57 Chestnut St, Norwalk, United States

Our February meeting will be live! In person! We will be judging homebrews. Just like the old days.

March Club Meeting

Area Two Experimental Brewing 1526 Stratford Ave, Stratford, CT, United States

In-person meeting before the next variant comes along! We'll be at Area Two Experimental Brewing of Two Roads in Stratford. We'll do our usual judging downstairs in the Coolship Room, but do stop in upstairs to support our hosts if you can.

April Club Meeting

Veracious Brewing 246 Main St, Monroe, CT, United States

*** NOTE: Thursday Meeting!! *** Our April meeting will be held at Veracious. This will likely be our last time to thank Mark and Tess for all their support. Please come and help us all say goodbye and thank you to the folks who made brewing possible for many of us. Note that the date … Continue reading "April Club Meeting"

May Club Meeting

Monthly meeting for May. Bring homebrew to judge if you wish, or just come. We want you either way. The meeting will be at a member's home in Easton. Email for exact location. We ask that members only attend if they are COVID symptom free and encourage home testing prior to keep all of … Continue reading "May Club Meeting"

June Meeting

Brewport Brewing Company 225 South Frontage Road, Bridgeport, CT, United States

The June club meeting will be held at Brewport Brewing Company in Bridgeport. No homebrew, please. This won't be a "judging" meeting. We'll have a panel discussion instead.

July Monthly Meeting

Steve Victor's House 166 East Rock Rd, New Haven, CT, United States

Monthly meeting at Steve's. We will judge homebrew, but you don't need to bring homebrew to attend! We will be meeting outdoors, on the covered back porch.