Oaktoberfest Homebrew Competition

I have received the following from Mark Thome, our long-lost brother out on the West Coast:

Hi Paul,

Hope this email still works.
My new brew club sponsors the Oaktoberfest competition. It is part of the oaktoberfest street fair in Oakland. As u can see, the best of show gets a lot more then a hardy hand shake.

Let’s show them what the UBCC can do.


The Oaktoberfest Homebrew Competition, hosted by the Mad Zymurgists, is pleased to announce this year’s new grand prize for the Best of Show beer.  While we know everyone enjoys the ribbons and recognition of winning in a category at this German style only competition, we are upping the WOW factor for the competition winner this year.
We have partnered with the 21st Amendment Brewing Company to offer a very special opportunity for the winning brewer—to have their winning lager or ale beer brewed by 21A for local distribution and special events!
Shaun O’Sullivan, co-owner, and Brewermaster had this to say, “We are so excited to be part of this great competition, and to do something exciting for the homebrewing community.”
There is still plenty of time to get a beer ready for Oaktoberfest.  If you don’t already have some in the works, here are a few that are easily finished by the entry deadline: Altbier, Kölsch, Weizen, Dunkelweizen, Roggenbier, Berliner Weisse, Rauchbeer, or a sped-up lager.
And as always, the winners will be announced live at the Oaktoberfest in the Dimond festival in Oakland on October 4th on the main stage!
Visit the competition page for more information: http://www.madzymurgists.com

July Meeting: Lawnmower Beers at the Boatyard

Just a reminder that the July meeting will be on Wednesday the 16th. 7:30pm as usual.

The theme is “Lawnmower Beers”. But homebrew of any style is always welcome.

Location is my house in Branford. (Email the webmaster if you don’t know the address.) Since I’m on the eastern fringe, I invited a few members of MASH, our sister club to the east, to join. Most of you know most of them already. I don’t expect a rumble.

We Are Famous!

Most of you probably already know that the club was mentioned in Maureen Ogle’s book, Ambitious Brew: The Story Of American Beer. Now there is a new book coming out called Crafty Bastards by Lauren Clark. It devotes several pages to us and, especially, to our illustrious founder, Pat Baker, outlining our place in the American beer renaissance.

Dr. Pivo sent us an excerpt: Crafty Bastards by Lauren Clark, 20-22

The Passing of an Old Yahoo

It makes me sad that the first real post on the new web site is bad news. But we need to pass along this notice just received from Stephen Morley:

Passing of Anal Retent

It is with deepest regards that I inform you of the passing of an old and dear member of our illustrious organization, Harry Clayton, aka Anal Retent, has passed on to the other side. Harry has not been around for several years as he has struggled with health issues but those of us we were part of this club for many years will fondly remember the fabulous brews that he produced for a regular basis. Let us raise a glass and drink in celebration of his life and all the years of great brewing. 

I was a close friend of Harry, having gone to school with him, and enjoyed many occasions of spending time with him and his ex-wife Hope. I learned to electrical engineering with his aid and was introduced to brewing by him. 


New Website Brewing

We’ve been threatening to do this for a long time. Now it’s finally happening.

The web site is undergoing a major upgrade.

Don’t worry. We won’t lose any of the old stuff. All the old Bugles and photos and calendar will eventually be available again. But it’s going to take a little time. Bear with us through the transition.

Geoff Burr has kindly stepped forward to be in charge of the transition. The entire club owes him thanks.

Leave comments on this post if you have any suggestions for new features, complaints about how things are working (or not), etc.